appsWhen you go to iTunes U (which is free for everyone) and click on the link For Educators icon, you will find numerous of free resources for all teachers to be able to use within your classrooms. The collection, has 18 different courses that teachers can choose from that talk about  specific applications and how you would use them in your class. All of these applications/readings are written by all teachers and each of the guidelines include a type of collection of creative activities that range from all ages for students and subjects to help them deeper think about new ways to do stuff and also help them approach their learning techniques.

After looking through them all I wanted to take a different approach and choose some lesson ideas that my upper class men could use when working with book buddies of a younger age. Some of those books where: Puppet Pals, Hopscotch, and Scoodle Jam.

Puppet Pals would work greet with book buddies and I also really like this app. It has a lot of amazing ideas on it. The application allows the students to collaborate on projects without students around the classroom and it also shares canvases. It also has a lot of other built in products to go along with it such as, venn-diagrams. I really like that because then you can stimulate the students thinking abilities. This application is great to even have pen pals across the state and or country. That was one thing that we did in middle school but by pen and paper. Now with using technology this will help make it a lot easier.

With Hopscotch, you can engage design and make it possible for students to learn computer science. Within hopscotch it helps students become stronger within their math skills, literacy, language, science, and geography. They also can build different objects within the application then they have to be able to relate it back to the subject. This would be another great lesson for book buddies so that the older students can help the younger students be able to understand the content better if they are struggling.

Then for the last book I looked at which was Scoodle Jam. This book is mostly used for ages 5-14. Within the book it has numerous activities such as, literacy, social studies, science, art, and math. This book also follows the guidelines of the Common Core so it helps prepare that student on the level that they need to be on. It also helped with some more book buddy ideas also.

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